Our most beloved line of products, because it was created with reverent love and care for the owners of the most sincere and kind hearts.
For kids. Mr. Dee (Mr. D) – the image of the British good-natured lord, almost like Santa Claus, fulfilling the dreams of children and realizing the supply of high-quality, environmentally friendly products for babies and their parents at very affordable prices.
The image of Mr. Dee was conceived by our team and drawn with the talented pencils of an animator working for Walt Disney Studios. Now the image of Mr. Dee is a sign of quality in the entire diverse product line (3+): from children’s clothing, toys, educational and entertaining games to home textiles and creativity, so beloved by Moms.
Pajamas and shirts; jackets and vests; underwear sets; socks.
Play sets for girls; Railway; cars and squishies; constructors; puzzles; experiences; blaster; crayons for drawing.